平均身長が物語る昨今の生徒の未来/Human Height May Have Reached Its Peak
この時期にmay have ~edとmightの用法が分からない高校生1年生は、1年生の段階で大学進学はアウトです。
According to a number of different studies released in recent years, after decades of growth, average heights in many countries have stopped increasing, and in some places, they are actually decreasing.
In general, adult populations have gotten taller over time — in 2014, the average height of men who turned 18 that year was 9 centimeters greater than a century earlier. The difference was 8 centimeters among women.
In 2021, a report from Statistics Netherlands said that while the Dutch are still the world’s tallest people, adult men born in 2001 are on average 1 centimeter shorter than those born in 1980, and adult women are 1.4 centimeters shorter.
Scientists have suggested a number of reasons, including the immigration of people from shorter population groups into taller countries, or that this is about as tall as humans can get.
Diet may well be a cause, too, if people are eating fewer nutrients important for growth.
“This is believed to be the reason why the Americans are shrinking: poorer diets. More calories, but fewer nutrients,” Gert Stulp, from the Netherlands’ University of Groningen, told The Guardian in 2021.
理由① 身長の低い国からの移民
理由② アメリカ人の平均身長の縮みは、高カロリー、低栄養からきている。

Perhaps this is more likely in poorer nations if living conditions improve, according to a report from Our World in Data. The report adds: “But for the richest and tallest countries in the world today, heights may have reached their limit.”
日本では国籍を持ってデータに反映されるほどの移民はいません。私が子供の頃の食生活と比べると、マクドナルドやケンタッキーの栄養価が劣るとも考えられない。貧しい国では、アメリカ的な食生活に改善するから身長が伸びるんじゃないの? 日本もそうでした。
「「最近の若者は口だけは一人前で辛抱もない。」とお嘆きのお父様方へ/あと5~6年するとその若者が神々しかった有様になります/でもね、親御様の方が変化は激しい」などにも書いてきましたが、頑張らなくても豊かな生活と栄養が十分に与えられ国では人類は進歩の頂点に達して、これからは衰えていくだけなのではないか? と感じております・・・。
進化か? 退化か? いや、泥船対策か?